If you would like help in obtaining Interpreters, the following information will be needed:

From Party in Need of Interpreter

Event Name:
Date of Event:
Start and Ending time of Event: If appointment/session will last longer than 2 hours, more than 1 interpreter may be necessary.
Location and Address of Event:
Contact Person and Phone Number:
Special Instructions for Interpreter (e.g., parking, etc.):
Type of Interpreter Needed:

  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Signing Exact English (SEE)
  • Oral Interpreter
  • Other

Miscellaneous Information/Special Considerations (if applicable):

  • Will event include small group work? (If yes, may need additional interpreters for this as well, if more than 1 person with hearing impairment is in attendance.)
  • What is topic of lecture/speech? (If specialized and/or technical language is required, interpreter will need that information.)
  • If speech or prepared remarks, is advance copy available?
  • Where is Interpreter to park?
  • Are meals provided for interpreter?

Billing Information:
Department's Name:
Contact Person's Name:
Contact Person's Email:

You may submit the following form and DMS will respond within 1 business day. Once you have completed the following form you will be redirected back to this page.

Form to Request Interpreters

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Disability Management at 919-668-1267 or dmsoffice@duke.edu.

Our Provider

Communication Access Partners
950 Graves Street Unit A
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: 336-993-4200
Fax: 336-993-4201